    | "no-device-selected"
    | "update-req"
    | "clear-connect"
    | "device-disconnected"
    | "timeout-error"
    | "reconnect-microbit"
    | "background-comms-error"
    | "service-missing"

Specific identified error types.

New members may be added over time.

Type declaration

  • "no-device-selected"

    Device not selected, e.g. because the user cancelled the dialog.

  • "update-req"

    Device not found, perhaps because it doesn't have new enough firmware (for V1).

  • "clear-connect"

    Unable to claim the interface, usually because it's in use in another tab/window.

  • "device-disconnected"

    The device was found to be disconnected.

  • "timeout-error"

    A communication timeout occurred.

  • "reconnect-microbit"

    This is the fallback error case suggesting that the user reconnects their device.

  • "background-comms-error"

    Error occured during serial or bluetooth communication.

  • "service-missing"

    Bluetooth service is missing on device.